March 16 • 6:30pm
at North Greenville University
projects for all ages
The Upstate Homeschool Science Fair has categories for all ages,
and is open to homeschoolers throughout the upstate,
& surrounding areas.
Younger children can present a science "show & share,"
while older children can choose to present a project in a similar manner,
or using the traditional science project approach.
family science activities
are presenting science activities throughout the exhibit space to give visiting families a fun filled night of science.
Hosted by North Greenville University
on their beautiful campus, overlooking the mountains.
Register a Project
Grade ranges are for reference, and level placement is at the parent's discretion.
All levels will include the judges giving out “compliment cards,” encouraging each student on an aspect of their project. Levels 2 & 3 can enter a traditional scientic method project, or a project in our STEM Project/Demo category. Levels 2 & 3 also have the option to enter for competition. Unless you specifically request for your student's projects to be near each other, the age group (levels) will be grouped together
Level 1
Science/STEM Show and Share (Pre-K through 2/3)
This will be ANYTHING related to science that the student wants to do and share with others. It can be a simple experiment (does not have to follow the full scientific method), a model or illustration of something STEM related, a demonstration, or a collection.
Level 2: Scientific Method Project
Elementary Science Fair Project (Grades 3/4 through 6)
This will be a project that asks a question and follows the scientific method to test and answer the question. These groups may be subdivided into life sciences, earth sciences, and physical sciences depending on the number of entries.
Option to select judged, or not judged.
Level 2: STEM Project/Demo
(Grades 3/4 through 6)
Projects under this category do NOT have to ask a question and follow the scientific method, carry out testing, and find results. These projects can be anything related to science, math, engineering, or technology, including a demonstration, presentation, model, or collection. This group may be subdivided into science, math/computer science, and engineering depending on the number of entries.
Level 3: Scientific Method Project
Secondary Science Fair Project (Grades 7 through 12)
This will be a project that asks a question and follows the scientific method to test and answer the question. These groups may be subdivided into life sciences, earth sciences, and physical sciences depending on the number of entries.
Option to select judged, or not judged.
Level 3: STEM Project/Demo
(Grades 7 through 12)
Projects under this category do NOT have to ask a question and follow the scientific method, carry out testing, and find results. These projects can be anything related to science, math, engineering, or technology, including a demonstration, presentation, model, or collection. This group may be subdivided into science, math/computer science, and engineering depending on the number of entries.
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Project set-up time will be in the afternoon, 3-5pm (concession may be made for those who need to setup earlier or later), to allow families to break for dinner.
You will be emailed a packet with set-up details, and safety & courtesy parameters for projects, in the coming weeks.
Students can switch categories prior to the event, the deadline for that will be in your packet.
Be a Sponsor

$150* (4 gold level available)
• 1 of up to 4 logos on the event banner
• full color ads on the website, with direct links to sponsor site.
• our staff, or yours, distributes flyers & your promotional items at fair.
• option to have a table at the fair.
* or similar value in prizes for student projects.

• Small text company name listing below gold level sponsor logos.
• Text company name on website, with direct links to sponsor site.
• our staff, or yours, distributes flyers & your promotional items at fair.
* or similar value in prizes for student projects.
To apply for sponsorship,
send an email via the link below.